For the heartbroken survivors

" Healing is realizing that you are not your past or 
the shortcomings you've experienced. 
Everything is just a lesson for growth. "

I believe we all encounter heartbreaks many times in different forms, I know I sure did- like when i had to struggle to adjust living in a country that was unfamiliar to me then and leaving everything behind or that one time I felt like I was failing myself for never doing good enough (academically) and well heartbreak, as we know it, in a form of getting emotionally attached to someone who no longer loves you.

I've broken my heart many times. It wasn't easy to numb the emotional pain. In fact, it was toxic and it drained all my energy out. Living and functioning was such a heavy burden to carry. I cried for weeks and deprived myself from all the things I used to enjoy. But in my emotional instability, I found strength. It was not easy to go from being emotionally reckless to being emotionally uplifted. I did not wake up one day and realized I had ran out of tears to shed or that the feeling wasn't there anymore. It hurt me a lot and if I am being honest, it still does. It never really went away. I still wake up everyday and feel a pang of pain but instead of letting it break me, I learned to be grateful for it because if it wasn't for it I wouldn't have learned to be there for myself- to know better and do better.

But healing is a gradual process. It is a slow painstaking journey filled with set backs and reminiscing and its okay. Its part and parcel of getting over something that no longer gives you any beneficial value or growth. The reason why I felt the need to share this is because we are all struggling from heartache at one point and I just want to encourage you to keep going, despite the emotional struggle and pain. Learn to let go and to also forgive yourself. Remember that you hold the power of what should and should not affect you, be it people or other trivial things. Sometimes just pushing yourself to get out of the rut is good enough. Doing your best is good enough. Move forward and don't hold yourself back from all the good things that are meant to come your way, be grateful for new love and opportunities or just bask in your solitude. Take this time to put all that energy you used on someone else for yourself.

Sometimes all it takes to really find your strength and resilience is to grow through the downfall. Learn your lessons and give yourself all the time to heal. Never have anyone else hold the key to your happiness and never let them have the power to destroy you.

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